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Arts and Culture Council Assessment Committee

The Arts and Culture Council Assessment Committee (ACAC) is an interim committee where members with arts and culture experience will work together to help create a pathway to support arts and culture in Airdrie. 

Arts and Culture Council Assessment Committee meetings

Committee meetings will be scheduled monthly based on the work requirements.

October 18, 2022 - Meeting summary

The ACAC committee members wrapped up discussions on the focus areas for the new organization and agreed that this content on the role of the organization would be included in the report to Council. The committee received information from staff on different types of organizations, including a not-for-profit society and Part 9 Company, and the requirements for charitable status. The group discussed the different legal entities and their suitability for the new organization. Ultimately the group reached agreement to recommend that the new organization be a not-for-profit society.
The committee discussed potential funding sources, including grants and fund-raising. Work was progressed on a draft three-year work plan and budget, and the new organization’s governance structure. The committee members also shared ideas on the benefits the new organization can bring to the City of Airdrie and its residents.
Committee members determined an outline of components for the recommendation to Council. A sub-committee was created to collaborate on the recommendation report. Timelines for the report were discussed. The committee intends to present to the Community Services Advisory Board (CSAB) on December 12, 2022 and at the Council meeting on December 19, 2022.

Next steps

Staff and Facilitator will:

  • Provide template and information to help build the ACAC recommendation report.
  • Provide the CSAB and Council reporting timelines and share this information with the group through the online collaborative tool.

Committee members will:

  • Review the information components uploaded in the online collaborative tool and continue discussion in preparation to write the recommendation report.

ACAC members

Arts and Culture Council Assessment Committee positions were established by Airdrie City Council and include:

  • Eight citizen members
  • Two elected official positions