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City of Airdrie Logo
Main menu
How can we help?
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Activities icon
Parks, pathways, recreation, programs and events
Community events
Community events calendar
Cabin Fever
Where Have All The Buffalo Gone?
Piano Heist
Participating in events
Hosting a neighbourhood block party
Cocoa Trail
Special event process and requirements
Policing Town Hall
Funky Family Day Skate
Winter Walk Day
Parks, pathways and playgrounds
Reserve a park or greenspace
Fire pits
Visit a playground
Chinook Winds Regional Park
Spray Park
Nose Creek Regional Park
East Lake Regional Park
Skate Parks
Fletcher Regional Park
Pathways and trails
Off-leash dog areas
Fishing ponds
Toboggan hills
Outdoor fitness equipment
Recreation centre
GP Logo
Genesis Place
New SW recreation centre
Swimming lessons
Public swimming
Lane swimming
Aquatic fitness - reserve your spot
Outdoor sports and recreation
Soccer and athletic fields
Baseball and softball
Disc golf
Outdoor fitness equipment
Football / Ed Eggerer Athletic Park
Cross-country skiing
Outdoor ice rinks
Public and community art
Local landmarks
Airdrie Ale Trail
Farm fresh experiences
Places to stay in Airdrie
Theatre and performing arts centre
Bert Church LIVE Theatre
Registered programs
Swimming lessons
Child and youth sport and fitness programs
Kids Connection preschool
School-year and summer day camps
Adult fitness and wellness programs
Child and youth performing arts programs
Aquatic certifications
Pre and postnatal fitness programs
Homeschool recreation
Group fitness - reserve your spot
Aquatic fitness - reserve your spot
Genesis Place fitness centre
Outdoor fitness equipment
Drop-in activities
Group fitness - reserve your spot
Aquatic fitness - reserve your spot
Drop-in sports and gym time
Family play programs
Public swimming
Public skating
Rentals and bookings
Arena rentals
The Town and Country Centre
Reserve a park or greenspace
Facility and room rentals at Genesis Place
Bert Church LIVE Theatre rentals
Ron Ebbesen Twin Arenas
Plainsmen Arena
Genesis Place Twin Arenas
Library programs
Airdrie Public Library
Airdrie Multi-Use and Library Facility
Property icon
Assessment, taxes, utilities and building
Developing your basement
Garages, decks and outdoor home improvement
Making changes to your home
Request an inspection
Commercial building and development
Accessory suites
Toilet rebate program
Building code
Building a new home
Access to public land
Cross connection control
Property assessment
View and compare your assessment
How are assessments calculated?
Filing an assessment complaint
Assessment forms and information requests
Supplementary taxes for new construction
Non-residential assessments
Paperless notices
Property taxes
Tax estimator
Understanding where your taxes go
Online tax certificate
Paying your property taxes
Monthly tax payment plan
Change of address form
Paperless notices
Tax rates
Education taxes
New property owners
Water, waste and sewer utilities
Where your water comes from
Apply and manage your utilities account
Utility rates and payment options
Utilities billing and collections
Utility bill estimator
Utility report a payment
Watering schedule
Rain barrels
Bulk water
What not to put down toilets or drains
Licenses and permits for water and utilities
Utilities for rental properties and renters
Non-residential utility services
Water conservation
Customer service portal
Change of address form
Paperless notices
Pay an accounts receivable invoice
Home fire safety information and resources
Property problems or complaints
Real property report
Request for property information
Swales and storm water
Tree care
Our city icon
Our city
Careers, projects, plans, city stats and council
View current job postings
Applying online
Why work with us?
Our recruitment process
Meet our people
Vision, mission and values
Fire recruitment and training
Volunteer on a board or committee
Become a census enumerator
City projects and initiatives
Downtown revitalization
Community Revitalization Levy
40th Avenue overpass
Airdrie Multi-Use and Library Facility
Big Springs power cable upgrades
New SW recreation centre
Capital projects
New regional park
Small cell wireless facilities
Address-based survey and audit tools
Artificial turf field at Ed Eggerer Athletic Park
Ron Ebbesen Twin Arenas mid-life upgrades
Houselessness estimation study
Sponsorship and naming opportunities
Developing our City
Development notices
Guiding documents
Community planning process
High school land assembly
Standards and guidelines for development
Planning fees
Affordable housing
Telecommunications towers
Managing the City's finances
City budgets
Financial reports
Property tax sale
Franchise agreements
Advocating for Airdrie
Growth pressures in Airdrie
Healthcare funding and resources
Equitable funding for roads and infrastructure
New schools and education resources
Airdrie EMS (Emergency Medical Services) funding and resources
Complaints and problems within the City
Citizen engagement
Airdrie Municipal Election
Public hearings
Request to ask a question/make a presentation at a Council Committee
Citizen satisfaction survey
Local improvement requests
Municipal Census
Filing a public petition
Three levels of government
City publications and E-Newsletters
Creating recreation opportunities for Airdrie
Involve Airdrie
Telecommunications towers
About Airdrie (stats, facts and information)
History and heritage
Economic indicators
Census results and statistics
Maps and open data
Airdrie business licence statistics
Population growth within Airdrie
Construction/building permit statistics
Housing market and projections
Comparative community profiles
Labour market and employment
Trade areas
Transportation routes and infrastructure
Vision, mission and values
Mayor and Council
Meet City Council
City Council's Strategic Focus Areas
Council boards and committees
Council expenses and remuneration
Council endorsed policies
Engage with City Council
Council and board meetings
Council calendar
Meeting minutes and agendas
Watch a meeting
Council boards and committees
Airdrie Multi-Use and Library Facility Public Art Selection Panel
Community Infrastructure and Strategic Growth Committee
Community Safety and Social Services Standing Committee
Community and Corporate Services Committee
Environmental sustainability
Protecting our watersheds
Sustainable transportation
Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reductions
Tree donation on City land
Water conservation
Air and water monitoring
Promoting diversity in trees, bees and urban agriculture
Circular economy - reuse/repurpose
Active transportation
News, notices and hearings
City publications and E-Newsletters
News releases
Cemetery and memorial programs
Memorial program
Community Builder Tree Grove
Customer service portal
Change of address form
Paperless notices
Pay an accounts receivable invoice
Public safety icon
Public safety
Police, emergencies, water safety and animal services
Who to contact for emergencies/issues
About our enforcement agencies
Making a bylaw complaint
Officer conduct complaints
Police services
Report a motor vehicle collision
Criminal record checks
Record suspensions
Report a crime online
View the crime map
Safety resources
Water and ice safety on ponds
Vehicle and road safety
Bike and escooter safety
Fire Safety
Airdrie Fire Department education events and tours
Fire safety programs
Home fire safety information and resources
Fire bans and advisories
Fire safety inspections
Fire pit regulations
Burn permits
About our fire department
Fire and explosion investigations
Fire recruitment and training
Animal licencing and control
Animal licences
Cat ownership
Dog ownership
Lost pets/animal shelters
Wildlife in the City
Paying a ticket
Extreme weather and emergency preparedness
Extreme cold weather and warnings
Emergency preparedness
Heat warnings and air quality alerts
Waste and recycle icon
Waste, recycling and organics
Collection schedules and what goes where
Collection schedules
Where does it go?
Cart and bag placement
Extra waste and exemptions
Cart exchange
Cart care – damaged, missing or dirty
Waste and recycling programs
Black carts
Circular economy - reuse/repurpose
Bike sale
Roundup and paper shredding
Green cart is 10
Waste, recycling and organics resources for teachers
Presentation and Recycle Depot tour request form
Recycling for businesses/farms
Transportation icon
Roads, sidewalks and public transit
Transit Logo
Airdrie Transit
Routes and schedules-plan my trip
Passes, tickets and fares
Transit alerts
Access Airdrie (Paratransit Service)
Find my bus
Park and ride
Customer Service
Hello To Go
Road closures
Road, alley and sidewalk maintenance
Report a road or traffic problem
Traffic noise and volumes
RV sani-station
Permits for transportation
Road or lane closure application
Truck routes and commercial truck permits
Street lights and traffic signals
Street sweeping
Street sweeping map
Paying a ticket
Vehicle and road safety
Road snow clearing
Transportation routes and infrastructure
Sustainable transportation
Community support icon
Community support
Health, social care and volunteering
Grants and funding
Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) grant application
Social service support grants
Emergency funding support
Community Event Grant
Awards and recognition
Mayor for a day
Airdrie Elite Athlete
Junior Fire Chief program
Schools and education
Community Support Services
Social support programs and services
Mental health support
Domestic violence support
City of Airdrie subsidy program for low-income residents
Canadian Dental Benefit
Information for newcomers
Affordable housing
The City's housing solutions and action plan
Airdrie's housing needs research
About affordable housing
Benefits of affordable housing choice
Airdrie's affordable housing providers
Housing and rental assistance for residents
Supportive housing
Seniors programming and services
Youth engagement
Airdrie Board of Youth Affairs
Youth serving agencies
Youth Engagement Strategy
Mayor for a day
Building Safer Communities Project
Volunteer at Genesis Place
Volunteering with the police
Volunteer Airdrie
Volunteer on a board or committee
Support for not-for-profits
Airdrie Resource Council
Indigenous relations
Business and investment icon
Business and investment
Permits, opportunities and support
Invest in Airdrie
Greenfield land development
Commercial/industrial real estate
Business support
Entrepreneur and business training
Organizations and resources for businesses
Meet Economic Development
Local business news
Market research tool
Airdrie business survey
Why choose Airdrie for your business
City growth trends and changes (Growth Report)
Population growth within Airdrie
Labour market and employment
Housing market and projections
Economic strategy
Commercial/industrial real estate
Key business industry sectors
Affordable developments and taxes
Construction/building permit statistics
Transportation routes and infrastructure
Trade areas
Starting and building a business
What to know before starting a business
Business types and start up procedures
Business licence application and fees
Business support
Provincial licencing and regulations
Commercial building and development
Development permits
Commercial building permits
Cross connection control
Non-residential utility services
Industrial wastewater monitoring
Development levies
Business directory
Procurement and contractor/vendor information
Private snow clearing
Bylaws and rules icon
Bylaws and rules
Learn about what's allowed in Airdrie
List of bylaws
Land use bylaw and zoning
Address and land use map
Noise exemption request
Bylaw enforcement
Making a bylaw complaint
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Report a pothole
Commercial truck permits
Current infrastructure projects