Airdrie is currently under level four outdoor water restrictions. Outdoor watering banned. Learn more
Prior to starting your construction you will need to apply for your construction permits. Building Inspections will look at your application, check your plans, give you permission to build and inspect your building while it's being constructed. We want to make sure your building meets or goes beyond the rules set by the National and Provincial Building Code and other related regulations.
and we can help you avoid unnecessary surprises and ensure your project goes quickly and smoothly.
Every business, occupation or trade that is carried on with the intention of making a profit within the City of Airdrie limits requires a Business Licence issued by the City of Airdrie.
The cost of the required permits is set out in the USER FEES AND CHARGES BYLAW B41/2023.
To apply for a new construction residential permit please complete the residential permit application online in the link below. Inspections are required during the course of construction.
Inspections are booked in phases. Individual disciplines cannot book inspections separately and the previous phase of inspections must be complete before the next phase of inspections can be requested.
Site service inspection - required if not on quick trench program
Pre-backfill phase - foundation, electrical
Post and pad inspection - prior to pre-board
Pre-board phase - framing, HVAC, electrical, plumbing and gas inspections
Insulation and vapour barrier inspection - if requested on the framing inspection notice
Final inspection - building, HVAC, electrical, plumbing and gas inspections
A fee will be applied at the time of inspection if any of the following is noted: