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Tree care

The information on this page is intended to help residents understand some basic tree care with regards to diseases commonly found in Airdrie, which can help with caring for trees both, on private and City owned property.

Homeowners are responsible to care for trees on private property, as per the Parks Bylaw No. B-13/2009 October 2019 Consolidation (pdf). This includes prevention, maintenance and treatment with regards to pests or diseases considered to be contagious that could affect the health of any City tree. If there are signs of a contagious pest or disease affecting a tree on private property,  homeowner's must treat, remove and/or dispose of it in accordance with the direction of the City of Airdrie.

If there is a tree on City owned property that is in need of care, contact us at 403.948.8400 or, and an arborist will assess it accordingly. 

Trees, shrubs and sewer lines

Avoid planting trees and shrubs near sewer pipes. The continual flow of nutrient-filled water through sewer pipes can attract tree roots through pipe joints and manholes. The roots eventually grow, causing separation of the pipe joints or blockages in the line.

Rocks, debris, power outages, vandalism, rain and construction are also contributing factors to sewer spills.

Tree watering tips

Newly planted trees

  • Water well immediately after planting
  • Trees usually take about three growing seasons to become established. Water twice a week for the first season, and then slowly reduce the frequency over the next two years
  • Deep infrequent watering vs shallow frequent watering:
    • Turn your garden hose on to a slow trickle, set it on the root zone (see image below) for an hour or two, moving it around the drip line about every twenty minutes. This will encourage deep roots that will help trees survive even in times of drought

Established trees

  • Should only require water during extended hot and dry periods, usually August or September, and then again in the fall

Fall watering

  • One of the biggest stressors for plants is winter drought; this is especially true in our region because of our drying Chinook winds
  • Watering all of your trees and shrubs well just before the ground freezes is a great way to combat this problem
  • The best time to water is when overnight frost becomes common (typically late September). The ice in the soil will also help to regulate underground temperatures and will be needed when the ground thaws in spring
  • Adding organic mulch over a trees' root zone (i.e. wood chips, compost, mulched leaves) will act as an insulator, reduce moisture loss, and will bio-degrade into the soil to add valuable nutrients next spring

Watch for tree diseases

Diseases can be prevented by planting trees that are adapted to the site you plant on (I.e.Willows prefer wet sites, etc.). Avoid susceptible species, plant the tree correctly, follow proper maintenance practices and avoid mechanical injury.

More information on tree care