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Record suspensions

A record suspension (formerly a pardon) allows people who were convicted of a criminal offence, but have completed their sentence and demonstrated they are law-abiding citizens for a prescribed number of years, to have their criminal record kept separate and apart from other criminal records.

Contact the National Parole Board to download a copy of the complete Pardon Application Guide, including detailed instructions for its completion.

Record suspension application

  1. Submit your fingerprints to the Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Service. Please contact the Airdrie RCMP at 403.945.7200 to make a fingerprint appointment.
  2. Once fingerprint results are received the next step is to have a local indices check (review of local police files and occurrence reports) completed. This can be done at the Municipal Police Building during normal business hours.

    If you no longer live in Airdrie, the local indices check page of the record suspension application can be mailed to Airdrie RCMP. Colour copies of two pieces of government issued ID (one of which needs to have a photo) that have been notarized must accompany mailed applications.

    Municipal Policing Building
    Attn: Airdrie RCMP
    2 Highland Park Way NE
    Airdrie, AB T4A 0R1