Registered owners can access their property information. If you are not the registered owner, you must provide us with written permission from the registered owner to access this information. Photo ID may be requested.
Drawings and blueprints are copyrighted by the company/individual that created them. You must have permission from their creators before requesting them.
What is the cost to request property documents?Residential requests are charged $75.00 (includes digital copies)Commercial/multi-family requests are charged $176.00 per hour (includes digital copies)
What if I don't find what I'm looking for? We cannot guarantee the content of the records. Refunds are not issued if the desired information is not in the file.
The information on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("the Act") and will be used solely for fullfilling requests for property information.
It will be treated in accordance with the privacy protection provisions of Part 2 of the Act. Questions concerning collection of this information can be directed to Records Management at 400 Main St. SE, Airdrie, AB T4B 3C3 or at 403.948.8800.