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Utilities billing cycle

The City of Airdrie bills on a 28 day cycle. Residents receive their utility bill every four weeks. This means that you will receive 13 bills in a calendar year and the due date will vary based on when your water meter was read. Fixed rates will be prorated based on the number of days in your billing cycle.

Note: Water and sewer consumption charges are based on the amount of water that passes through your water meter.

Timeline water billing process
Day 1 Billing date
Day 22 Email reminder that bill is due
Day 24 Payment is due
Day 29 Next billing date + past due reminder
Day 41 Email reminder. Pay bill to avoid door hanger.
Day 44 Late payment notice door hanger hung on property ($28 fee)
Day 49 Overdue balance deadline
Day 55 Outstanding balance transferred to property taxes ($52 fee). Water will remain on.

Billing and notifications

All customers are encouraged to sign up for a myAIRDRIE account in order to receive email and text notifications if a payment is missedTo date, over 20,000 customers have signed up for a myAIRDRIE account, which is about half of the utility accounts within Airdrie.

Sign up for myAIRDRIE