Airdrie is currently under level four outdoor water restrictions. Outdoor watering banned. Learn more
Each year, Council approves the amount of expenditure required to support City services. From this amount, sources of revenue other than property tax, such as sales and user charges, license fees and provincial grants are subtracted.
The remaining balance, approximately 40 per cent of the City's total operating budget, represents the amount to be raised through property taxes.
Tax rate = Total revenue required by the City of Airdrie from property taxes (Municipal budget) / Total market value assessment
The City of Airdrie is legislated to collect and remit a fixed Education Tax amount from its property owners on behalf of the Province of Alberta. As it is set by the Province of Alberta, the City has no control over the amount of the Education Tax.
The City is also legislated to collect funds for the Rocky View Foundation, a not-for-profit association dedicated to providing low rental housing units for seniors in Airdrie.
The City uses property taxes to assist in funding the following services:
*Based on a $470,000 home at 2023 municipal tax rates, excluding education tax.
*Based on a $850,000 business at 2023 municipal tax rates, excluding education tax.