Airdrie is currently under level four outdoor water restrictions. Outdoor watering banned. Learn more
The Monthly Tax Payment Plan (MTPP) is a convenient way to pay your property taxes. The plan divides your annual property taxes into monthly sums which are automatically withdrawn from your bank account.
There are no fees or interest charged when enrolling in the Monthly Tax Payment Plan. Current participants do not need to reapply.
There are a few steps to take to sign up for a MTPP.
Monthly payments can be signed up for at any time but are calculated by taking the current tax levy and dividing it into the remaining months of the year. If you sign up for the MTPP earlier in the year, your monthly payments will be lower.
The following example shows the comparison for monthly payments if you sign up for MTPP in January versus June:
January start date | June start date |
Current tax levy $2,750 |
Current tax levy $2,750 |
Monthly payment $229.17 |
Monthly payment $392.86 |
You can withdraw from the plan at any time by providing written notice through the online form or directly to the Taxation department two weeks prior to the next payment due date.
If you change your bank account number, fill out the online form or provide a new VOID cheque to the Taxation department two weeks prior to the next payment date.
Any payment returned non-sufficient funds (NSF) may result in termination of the plan and applicable NSF fees will apply. All outstanding taxes become due and payable and are subject to late payment penalties, as per the City of Airdrie Tax Penalty Bylaw No. B-09/2018 (pdf).
If you own a condominium you may receive a separate tax notice for your parking stall(s) or storage unit(s). These annual notices are due at the end of June each year.