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Sustainable transportation


Airdrie Transit is a sustainable form of transportation that offers numerous benefits for individuals and the environment. By using transit, residents can reduce their carbon footprint, decrease traffic congestion and save money on transportation costs.

Electric bus technologies

The City of Airdrie, along with nine other municipalities from across Alberta, have partnered with FortisAlberta and their consultants to complete an electric bus feasibility study. This project will provide the City with an evidence-based evaluation of Airdrie Transit operations for potential future deployment of electric bus technologies. This project is funded through Infrastructure Canada’s Zero Emission Transit Fund with contributions also provided by FortisAlberta. The final report is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2024.

Electric Scooters

Shared electric scooters are a sustainable and convenient mode of transportation that are quickly gaining popularity. By using an electric motor instead of a gas-powered engine, these scooters produce significantly less carbon emissions and air pollution, making them an environmentally-friendly option for short-distance travel.