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Genesis Place fitness centre

Your Genesis Place drop-in admission, punch card and continuous monthly pass includes access to our 14,000 sq. ft. fitness centre with over 70 pieces of cardio equipment, 60 pieces of strength training equipment, 200m four lane indoor running track and group and aquatics fitness classes.

New equipment in the fitness centre

Treadmill replacement

Replacement of five treadmills in the cardio room.

Lifting platforms and squat racks 

Two new custom Olympic lifting platforms and three new hammer strength elite squat racks. 

Pendulum squat and belt squat 

Atlantis Pendulum Squat Pro - unique pendulum mechanism that allows for a natural and smooth squatting motion. Designed to strengthen the lower body muscles, specifically the quads, glutes and hamstrings.

Atlantis Belt Squat - perform squats without loading the shoulders and back.

Escape Rig (2022)

Located in the training area on the north side of the track, the Escape Rig has seven exciting training options: punching bag, battle rope, crux rope, dip station, monkey bars, TRX mounts and a landmine press. 

We're here for your wellness journey

Fitness is just one component of a wellness plan or journey. Genesis Place offers progressive support touch-points for passholders along their wellness plan evolution. 


Weight room orientation

Maybe it's your first time in Genesis Place fitness centre. Or, maybe you've been a passholder for a while but haven't stopped to see what equipment is available beyond that which you use in your routine. Learn what equipment is where with a weight room orientation.

Weight room orientations are included free, as part of your Genesis Place continuous pass. Book by emailing or by visiting the Wellness Specialist desk in the fitness centre!


Wellness Consultation

Starting a fitness or wellness journey can be overwhelming; whether you are starting from scratch or have a solid plan in place and are transitioning facilties. During your Wellness Consultation, you'll spend 30 minutes chatting one-on-one with a Wellness Specialist setting goals and creating an action plan. Our Wellness Specialists will suggest additional supports, classes and programs available at Genesis Place as part of your wellness action plan.

Wellness Consultations are included free, as part of your Genesis Place continuous pass. Book by emailing or by visiting the Wellness Specialist desk in the fitness centre!


Strength Training Basics

Strength Training Basics is where you build the foundation for your strength training routine through proper equipment use and form. Taught in a group setting, your instructor will guide the class through an equipment based strength training routine, correcting class members' forms and making recommendations for modifications and progressions. 

Strength Training Basics is a five-week registered program with sessions running in the fall, winter and spring. Each class has a maximum of five participants to ensure an instructor-to-student ratio that permits individualized attention. Genesis Place continuous passholders receive 10% off the class registration fee. 

View upcoming Strength Training Basics program dates


Personal Training

Personal training services are available year round to help you achieve your goals. Whether you're just starting your fitness journey, or are looking for some extra help getting to the next level - our personal trainers are here to support you!

Each of our personal trainers are certified through the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology (CSEP) and have completed a diploma or a bachelor's degree in personal training, kinesiology or exercise science.

All sessions are 45 minutes. Personal training packages expire one year from date of purchase.

 5 sessions10 sessions20 sessions30 sessions
One-on-one training $310
Partner training $390 ($195/person)
$740 ($370/person)
$1400 ($700/person)

All continuous monthly passholders are entitled to a 10% discount on any personal training package and a one time $115 personal training add-on package (3 x 45 minute sessions).

Email for more information.