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Procurement and contractor/vendor information

If you are new to completing work for the City of Airdrie, you must complete a new vendor form. You can request a form by emailing Accounts Payable

Every business, occupation or trade that is conducted with the intention of making a profit within the City of Airdrie also requires a valid City of Airdrie business licence

Contractor or vendor opportunities

Formal competitions are posted on the MERX website.

MERX website 

The City is committed to the acquisition of goods and services at the best value while treating all vendors equitably. The City is committed to creating and maintaining a high level of confidence in its procurement of goods and/or services by ensuring integrity, transparency, accountability, efficiency and consistency in its procurement process. When required, opportunities are fully open and posted on the publicly accessible MERX website.

Register for MERX

Vendors can register on the MERX system, by emailing MERX or phoning 1.800.964.6379 (Monday to Friday, 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. MST).

MERX personnel will assist vendors with setting up their profile and with opportunity matching. Be sure to mention to MERX that you are a City of Airdrie vendor as it is a free service.

Free online video tutorials are also available on the MERX Website.