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Report a road or traffic problem

If the problem you'd like to report is not listed below, contact us using the button below or if the matter is urgent, call the City of Airdrie Call Centre at 403.948.8800.

Parking complaints

For parking complaints, please contact Municipal Enforcement at 403.948.8888.

Traffic safety concerns

Traffic safety concerns from residents are reviewed by the Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) which is made up of City of Airdrie employee representatives from Engineering Services, Public Works, Municipal Enforcement, Planning, and RCMP.

These representatives meet monthly to review written requests regarding road safety for Airdronians. This may involve signage, road markings, crosswalks, traffic lights, etc.

If you would like to submit a request to be reviewed by TAC please complete the traffic advisory request form.

Traffic advisory request form

Report a pothole

Use our online report a pothole form to share the details and location of potholes.

Report a pothole

Sidewalk barrier complaints

For sidewalk barrier complaints, please contact Municipal Enforcement at 403.948.8892 or

Street light or traffic signal problems

For street light complaints, use the FortisAlberta online form (you require the service location of the street light) or call FortisAlberta customer service team toll free at 310-WIRE or (403-310-9473).

For complaints related to traffic signals, please contact Roads at 403.948.8415.

Vandalism to Transit

Damages or vandalism to public transit property such as bus shelters and bus benches, can be reported to Airdrie Transit at or 403.948.8875.