As of July 8, 2024, a two per cent service fee will be charged on all credit card payments made to the City of Airdrie online or in-person, and on all credit/debit payments made online.
If you wish to change your utility payment preferences you can do so through your myAIRDRIE account.
Learn more about the service fee on electronic payments
The City of Airdrie offers a number of payment options. Choose the option that is right for you and return your payment by the date specified on your bill.
Accounts addressed to NEW HOME OWNER will not be able to sign up on a pre-authorized payment plan through your bank account.
You will have access to the MyAirdrie pre-authorized payment plan using your credit card. Once the account is registered in your name, you will have full access to all our pre-authorized payment plans listed above.
The amount you pay is calculated based on your past years consumption history or the average consumption of people in your household. To qualify for the budget plan, ensure your current utility levy and utility arrears is paid in full for eligibility.
Withdrawals are made on the last day of the month. Once you’re enrolled, you’ll receive a bill every 28 days showing your monthly payment amount.
Budget plans are automatically adjusted if utility rates increase or decrease in January.
Once a year (November 30) we settle up the budget plan accounts. All outstanding balances greater than your regular budget amount will be withdrawn from your bank account. If your outstanding balance is less than your regular budget amount, we will withdraw your payment as usual. If you have a credit balance greater than your budget amount, we will not withdraw a payment at this time
Once you have signed up for the program your only responsibility is to review your bill. By monitoring your bill and your water usage, you can ensure problems such as leaky faucets and running toilets do not wreak havoc on the cost of your utilities.
Any payment returned NSF (not sufficient funds) will result in termination of the plan and a NSF fee being added to the account. All outstanding balances and NSF fees become subject to penalties.
Water meter internal diameter for Residential is 15 mm (.625) includes R-1 & R-2 dwellings.
year | Fixed rate / per day | Consumption rate / per cubic meter |
2024 | $0.81 | $1.5876 |
2025 | $0.80 | $1.5268 |
Water meter internal diameter for Residential is 15 mm (.625) includes R-1 & R-2 dwellings.
year | Fixed rate / per day | Consumption rate / per cubic meter |
2024 | $1.61 | $2.0798 |
2025 | $1.61 | $2.0657 |
Environmental service charge for the use of recycling facilities, household hazardous waste collection, spring clean-up and other environmental programs. This is charged on both Condominiums (per unit) and Residental homes
year | Fixed rate / per day |
2024 | $0.21 |
2025 | $0.20 |
Condominium complexes and apartments are not charged for garbage, organics and recycling collection, therefore, they are not eligible for door to door pick-up.
Residential garbage, organics and recycling collection
year | Fixed rate / per day |
2024 | $0.87 |
2025 | $0.85 |
Effective January 1, 2025, the average residential utility bill for a customer using 13 cubic meters of water will cost $143.58. This is based on a 28 day billing cycle.