Traffic volumes are an important part of road improvements and future planning of Airdrie's road network. Engineering Services conducts approximately 40 traffic volume studies each year. This information is used to monitor growth and traffic patterns.
The 2022 Traffic Noise Monitoring Study is available to view and download. This study recorded continuous noise levels at nine residential locations in Airdrie in September/October of 2022 and was conducted in accordance with the City’s current Transportation Noise Policy. Results of the noise levels at the various locations as well as other technical information can be found in the report.
The creation of the report was a collaborative effort between the City, our consultant and the residents of Airdrie. The City appreciates the residents that provided a location for the consultant to stage their monitoring equipment.
Developers are responsible for providing a sound attenuation analysis for new developments in accordance with the current City of Airdrie Transportation Noise Policy. The analysis will be required as supporting documentation for the preliminary engineering drawing submission.
See the Noise Analysis Checklist (pdf).
During the design process a sound attenuation analysis is required for any residential development bordering arterial roadways, highways and railways. Sound fencing is required in areas where the noise analysis demonstrates a sound fence must be installed and must follow the sound fence requirements.
Please view the 2022 Soundwall Map (pdf) to find out if a fence is a Soundwall (City maintained) or if it is a private fence (resident maintained). All red lines on the map indicate where the Soundwall fences are located.