Airdrie is currently under level four outdoor water restrictions. Outdoor watering banned. Learn more
Green and blue carts are the property of City of Airdrie, however the responsibility and care for it lies with the home owner. If your cart is unintentionally damaged (lid replacement, broken wheel or cracked), Waste & Recycling will repair or replace the cart as needed. Waste & Recycling services also provides one kitchen catcher upon initial delivery of carts.
Each cart has a serial number that is registered to the property. It is the resident’s responsibility to ensure it does not go missing. Write your address on your cart to help identify it in case it does get misplaced.
Check cart numbers below through the City of Airdrie’s cart map.
Tips to help minimize odours and pests in your green cart:
Clean the carts the same way you would clean a garbage can - rinse them periodically to wash off any debris. You can use water or a water/vinegar mixture.
Empty the water from the cart onto your lawn or garden (please do not allow rinsing water to wash into the storm water system) and allow it to dry completely.
Prevent contents from sticking to the inside of your green cart by layering your cart with alternating wet and dry layers. To do this, place a layer of newspaper, leaves, or other dry compostable material, then alternate layers with wet kitchen waste or grass clippings. You can also use a shovel or stick to loosen material. It is the residents responsibility to ensure material is loose and able to come out of the cart.
Break down boxes and don't over stuff your blue cart to ensure your recycling is able to fall out when emptied into the truck.