The Capital Projects office is responsible for planning, budgeting and managing major capital projects. These projects include roadways, underground services, parks, facilities, all new building construction and major renovations.
Construction of wash bay in progress. Expected completion is March 31, 2025.
Project is currently in design development. Detailed design drawings and specifications are expected to be completed in June 2025. Construction start will be in July 2025 with a soft start in May 2025.
This project consists of a new 2-lane divided roadway between Windsong Boulevard and a new Southwinds Collector. The result will be a high-quality paved arterial road connection and a new bridge over Dry Creek benefiting many southwest communities, including the West Winds Neighbourhood Structure Plan. This is a multi-year project scheduled to be complete in 2025.
Detailed design to expand the existing 2-lane undivided roadway into a 4-lane divided roadway from East Lake Boulevard to East Lake Road. Design is estimated to be completed in 2025.
Detailed design to expand the existing 4-lane divided roadway into a 6-lane divided roadway from 8th Street to QEII. During design, the existing CPKC Underpass on Yankee Valley Boulevard will also be updated, ensuring it meets current specifications and code requirements. This is a multi-year project scheduled to be completed in 2026.
The City of Airdrie is currently upgrading the existing Parks Operations building and completing the remaining site landscaping including additional site parking lots and site furniture.
In December 2021, the City acquired 186 acres of land for a regional park. In 2022, Council approved a budget to complete a Master Site Plan for the park. The Master Site Plan will guide the development of the park.
Work to prepare the Master Site Plan was based on:
The Master Site Plan set out the amenities and phases of development for the regional park. These studies along with Council's vision for the park informed the development of the Master Site Plan and detailed design for construction.
The Parks Department does a yearly assessment of asphalt pathways within the City of Airdrie. Existing poor condition pathways are replaced with new asphalt, thus ensuring the pathways are aesthetically attractive and functional for pedestrians, cyclists, and winter maintenance. The start date for this project is June 2025. Please see MAP (coming soon) for exact locations.
The Parks and Engineering Departments do a yearly assessment of pedestrian bridges/viewing platforms within the City of Airdrie to assess structural integrity. In 2025, two bridges located in Nose Creek Park will be replaced. Please see MAP (coming soon) for exact locations.
The City will be completing an assessment of the existing bridge which will help determine options for repairs or replacement of the bridge. Once conculded, a consultant will complete design and construction planning, which is expected to begin in 2025. This is a multi-year project scheduled to be complete in 2026.
The Public Works Satellite Site at Dickson Stevenson Trail includes two snow storage cells and a cold storage building. A future evaporation pond will be added to the site during the next phase of development. Once constructed, there will be approximately 8 acres of undeveloped land at the Public Works Satellite Site for current and future uses, prioritizing the yard for equipment and materials used on a daily basis to improve efficiencies and support growth of the Public Works operations.
Engineering Services oversees annual road improvement and rehabilitation projects. These improvements are based on growth and economic feasibility. Rehabilitation projects are determined with the help of our pavement management system.
The 2025 Road Rehabilitation map (coming soon) outlines the City's major rehabilitation projects for the year.
Design in 2025.
As development is now moving into the annexed lands and as population densities in both the pre and post-annexation areas increase, the need for increasing the City's sanitary pumping capacity is anticipated to be required in the next few years. Staged sanitary capacity will be required in the South East as noted in waste water lift station needs assessment (WWLSNA - AE 2020).
Design only in 2025.
The central component of increasing the City’s sanitary pumping capacity is the new South Regional Lift Station (SRLS), also referred to as Lift Station 8. Part of the overall upgrades to the City’s sanitary pumping capacity is to interconnect Main Lift Station and Sierra Springs Lift Station to Lift Station 8.
This program identifies areas throughout the City where existing sanitary infrastructure has either failed or is likely to fail in the near future, or pipes that are at or near capacity for flow. These areas are then scheduled for repairs, rehabilitation or replacement. Specifically for 2025, excavation work includes sections of Summerfield Close, Jensen Crescent and Jensen Place.
Design continues in 2025.
As development is now moving into the annexed lands and as population densities in both the pre and post-annexation areas increase, the need for increasing the City's sanitary pumping capacity is anticipated to be required in the next few years. The principle component of this strategy is staged lift station capacity in South Airdrie with an initial performance of 1,500 liters/second.
Design continues in 2025.
The new proposed South regional lift station will require a new discharge pipeline. Inclusive of design, survey, geotechnical, environmental, and regulatory requirements.
The City has many drainage facilities that convey partially treated stormwater into Nose Creek. These contaminants can have harmful effects on water bodies and aquatic organisms. To mitigate these issues, the City is completing a 5-year program to provide quality treatment and physical rehabilitation of outfall locations. Treatment will be provided by installing OIL/GRIT SEPARATORS, which provide stormwater quality improvements.
The City will be hiring a design consultant to complete design.
The 2015 NE Servicing Study and the 2016 Utility Master Plan identified upgrades required to the existing system to service the northeast growth area, in particular water storage, pumping capacity, and potentially reservoir filling capacity.
The initial stage (stage 1) is proposed for detailed design and construction of a pump station/booster station to service three (3) quarter sections in the East Points CASP. Trigger to start based on growth and developer aspirations, date not confirmed.
Design only in 2025.
The City’s 2016 Utility Master Plan (UMP) developed a plan for municipal infrastructure to service the future annexation area. Among the needed infrastructure is the establishment of additional water servicing zones, commonly referred to as Pressure Zones (PZ). On the west side of the City, a West and High West PZ must be created. The two PZs will require the construction of associated potable water pump stations and reservoirs.
Construction of the reservoir pumphouse is not anticipated as being needed until 2029 depending on the rate of development in the High West PZ and to a lesser extent West and Main PZs.
Design only in 2025.
The City’s 2016 Utility Master Plan (UMP) developed a plan for municipal infrastructure to service the future annexation area. Among the needed infrastructure is the establishment of additional water servicing zones, commonly referred to as Pressure Zones (PZ). On the west side of the City, a West and High West PZ must be created. The two PZs will require the construction of associated potable water pump stations and reservoirs.
Construction of the reservoir pumphouse is not anticipated as being needed until 2029 depending on the rate of development in the High West PZ and to a lesser extent West and Main PZs.