Airdrie is currently under level four outdoor water restrictions. Outdoor watering banned. Learn more
Property tax notices are mailed out at the end of May and are due at the end of June each year. Failure to receive your tax notice does not exempt you from late payment penalties. The City of Airdrie offers a number of convenient options for you to pay your property taxes.
The Monthly Tax Payment Plan (MTPP) is a convenient way to pay your property taxes. The plan divides your annual property taxes into monthly sums which are automatically withdrawn from your bank account.
There are no fees or interest charged when enrolling in the MTPP.
Airdrie property tax payments are accepted at most financial institutions via in-branch banking, ATM and Internet banking. Select Airdrie Taxes and use your tax roll number from your current tax notice as your account number.
Make payable to: City of Airdrie
Mail to: City of Airdrie, 400 Main Street SE, Airdrie, AB T4B 3C3
Please include the remittance portion of the notice with your payment.
Courier to: City of Airdrie, 15 East Lake Hill NE, Airdrie, AB T4A 2K3
Please include the remittance portion of the notice with your payment.
A drop box is available at City Hall where you can drop off your cheque payment. Be sure to include the remittance portion of the notice.
The City of Airdrie Tax Penalty Bylaw provides for the imposition of penalties on unpaid taxes as follows:
Current tax | July 1 | 5% |
Sept 1 | 5% | |
Nov 1 | 5% | |
Tax arrears | Jan 1 | 9% |
April 1 | 9% |
Application forms and program details are available online at or by contacting the Alberta Supports Contact Centre toll free at 1.877.644.9992.