Airdrie is currently under level four outdoor water restrictions. Outdoor watering banned. Learn more
Development levies or off-site levies are charged for the purpose of reimbursing the City for the capital costs associated with new developments where subdivision of land is required. Off-site levy is defined in Section 648 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), R.S.A. 2000, Chapter M-26, as amended. Development levies are collected through the Subdivision Servicing Agreement to pay for infrastructure required for development, i.e. facilities for water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer drainage, and transportation. Under the new MGA, levies can be collected for community recreation facilities, fire hall facilities, police station facilities, and libraries.
Development levies are charged with respect to any proposed development within the City that has not been subject to a previous servicing agreement.
The Off-site Levy Bylaw (B-11/2019) sets development levies within the City of Airdrie. On November 7, 2022 City Council amended Bylaw B-11/2019 to establish levies for the lands annexed by the City in 2012.
All on-site development costs are paid for by the developer.