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Helping pollinators is not only beneficial for the environment but also vital for our food supply. Pollinators, including bees, butterflies and bats, play a crucial role in the reproduction of flowering plants. By planting native grasses and incorporating xeriscaping techniques, we can support pollinators, protect their habitats and contribute to a sustainable ecosystem and food chain.

Airdrie pollinators

Airdrie is home to various pollinators, such as beetles, birds, bats, butterflies, moths and bees/wasps. Each of these species contributes to the ecosystem by assisting plants in producing seeds and fruits. By supporting pollinators through the planting of native grasses and xeriscaping plants, we positively impact the environment and our food sources.

By incorporating native grasses and a diverse array of plants in your garden, you contribute to the creation of a safe and vibrant environment for local pollinators. Supporting pollinators through xeriscaping and native plant choices not only helps maintain ecosystem health but also safeguards our food supply for a sustainable future. Join us in building a pollinator-friendly world and making a positive impact on our planet.

Native grasses and plants: A safe haven for pollinators

Pollinators rely on a diverse range of plants to meet their nutritional and shelter needs. By incorporating a variety of plants, including native grasses and xeriscaping options, we ensure that pollinators have an ample supply of food and suitable habitats. Non-native plants may not provide the necessary resources for pollinators, emphasizing the importance of native species for their survival.

Native grasses offer a natural habitat for local pollinators to thrive. By planting grasses that are indigenous to your area, you provide a secure and familiar environment for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. This is particularly significant due to the increasing challenges faced by these creatures as a result of habitat loss.

Recommended native plants for pollinator-friendly gardens

Consider incorporating the following native plants into your garden to support pollinators:

Native plants:

  • Prairie goldenrod
  • Prairie crocus


  • Lobelia
  • Common annual sunflower (Helianthus annuus)


  • Blue beardstongue
  • Brown-eyed susan
  • Bee balm

Trees and shrubs:

  • Saskatoon

Considerations for pet owners

While creating a pollinator-friendly garden, it's important to note that some plants, like foxglove, can be toxic to cats and dogs. If you have pets, conduct thorough research to ensure the safety of your furry friends before introducing any plants into your garden.

xeriscaping: Water conservation and pollinator support

Xeriscaping allows us to conserve water while still promoting pollinator health. By selecting plants that require minimal irrigation, we can create a garden that benefits both pollinators and the environment. This approach is particularly relevant in Airdrie, where water conservation is a priority concern.