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Social service funding grants

Social services funding and grant information is provided to the City from a network of social service agencies and organizations.

The chart is updated as new information becomes available and is not meant to be a complete listing of all the funding grants currently available. Every effort is made for accuracy, however, please visit the specific grant websites for the most up-to-date information. (Chart updated as of July 12, 2024) 

Grant NameSourceAmountFocus AreaApplication Deadline
ACCESSIBLE CANADA - NATL. ACCESSABILITY WEEK FUNDING 2025 & 2026 Government of Alberta Up to $100,000 or $200,000 (with special requirements) for a project that is up to two years Supports projects that increase awareness of Canadians on accessibility and disability inclusion, through National Accessibility Week (NAAW) activities in 2025 and in 2026. July 17, 2024 at 3 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Alberta Foundation for the Arts  Alberta Foundation for the Arts - public agency & provincial corporation of the Government of Alberta The AFA has many grants and funding opportunities available of various amounts.  Grant funding to arts and art organizations for growth and development of the arts sector.  Deadlines are based on specific grants and funding opportunities available.
Community Facility Enhancement Program - Small Funding Stream Ministry of Arts, Culture and Status of Women - Government of Alberta Up to $125,000


Provides financial assistance with the renewal, expansion, purchase, or build of public-use community facilities. Annual application deadlines:
- Jan. 15
- May 15
- Sept. 15
Community Facility Enhancement Program - Large Funding Stream Ministry of Arts, Culture and Status of Women - Government of Alberta $125,001 to $1 million



Provides financial assistance with the renewal, expansion, purchase, or build of public-use community facilities. Annual application/Expression of Interest intake deadlines 
2024: June 15
2025: May 15 
Community Initiatives Program - Project Based Grant Ministry of Arts, Culture and Status of Women - Government of Alberta Up to $75,000 Supports projects that enhance and enrich communities throughout Alberta by providing assistance to non-profit organizations for: new programs, enhancement to an existing program, community events, gender equity projects, 2SLGBTQQIA+ events and new programs, technology, portable equipment. Annual application intake deadlines:
- Jan. 15
- May 15
- Sept. 15


Community Initiatives Program - Operating Grant Ministry of Arts, Culture and Status of Women - Government of Alberta Up to $75,000 Grant support to eligible non-profit organizations that support social issues to enhance the organization’s ability to operate and deliver direct services to the
vulnerable and disadvantaged.
Annual application deadlines:
- Jan. 30
- July 15 


Major Grants Calgary Foundation Contact Grants Associate: Single or multi-year, large-scale initiatives with transformational impact that broadly enrich the community Applications are accepted once per year. The next deadline is November 1.
OTHER INITIATIVES PROGRAM Ministry of Arts, Culture and Status of Women - Government of Alberta

There is no minimum or maximum funding that can be requested through OIP. The level of funding granted is based on need or the community benefit of the project and is subject to available resources.

Provides financial assistance for community-based projects that fall outside the scope of all other Community Grants funding streams. This includes one-time projects, international disaster relief and projects that are emergency or urgent in nature Ongoing
Rooted In Communities Endowment Program Peavey Industries Small funding opportunity Projects, initiatives and ideas that are recognized as an emerging opportunity or need. Ongoing

Volunteer Alberta

with generous support of Government of Alberta
Up to $3,500 to support nonprofit organizations facing resource and capacity challenges in the area of volunteer screening Supports the development of effective screening practices and processes. Application closes July 15, at at 11:59 p.m.
Strategic Opportunity Grants  CALGARY FOUNDATION Maximum grant request amount is $10,000 Support small to mid-sized (up to $8MM annual operating budget)
Calgary and area qualified donees with small, short term, strategic initiatives that fall into one of two categories: organization development, or program development.
Grant request deadlines are midnight on the 1st of each month.
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (FEF) Grant TD Friends of the Environment Foundation Funding requests are needs based, and there is no set minimum or maximum amount for which you can apply. However, the majority of TD FEF grants are between $2,000 and $8,000.  Environmental projects across Canada.  Winter submission: Jan. 15
Summer submission: July 15
Youth Legal Initiatives Fund The Alberta Law Foundation There are two grant types: Needs Assessments & Program Design Projects. The maximum amount available for each project is $50,000. Supports initiatives that respond to existing and emerging legal issues facing youth and young people in Alberta. Applications will be accepted for one year starting on June 1, 2024 and will close on May 31, 2025. Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year.

Online tool for non-profit and voluntary sector organizations

The provincial government has an online tool to help non-profit and voluntary sector organizations access supports and resources. It is meant to provide a one-stop access to information to help start, manage and  build capacity in a non-profit or charitable organization, no matter what sector the organization serves. 

Services and supports include:

  •  Sector information - Information and opportunities to invest in the sector
  • Non-profit management - Information, supports and resources for starting a non-profit, managing a non-profit and ending or closing a non-profit
  • Supports and services for non-profits - Information and links to access community-based supports and services to help develop and strengthen operations 
  • Board member and governance training - Online courses and training resources on governance to support board members of non-profit organizations
  • Grant information and application support - Information and resources related to funding for non-profits including:
    • resources to support preparing and applying for grants;
    • a link to the Crowdfunding Alberta platform for Alberta non-profit organizations to share their ideas and seek community support; and,
    • the Arts, Culture and Sports Grant Search tool, which is a searchable inventory of grant programs offered by the ministries of Arts, Culture and Status of Women and Tourism and Sport.

Click here to visit the new online tool