When developing and approving new communities in Airdrie, the Planning department follows a multi-stage planning process.
Before an area can even be considered for future development, Community Area Structure Plan (CASP) justification report must be prepared and submitted to Council for approval. The report must provide rationale from a growth management perspective on why it makes sense to proceed with long range planning for an area. The CASP justification will be evaluated against the 12 Thousand Acres Plan (12K Plan), among other City policies.
Once the CASP justification is approved by Council, the applicant may proceed with the preparation of a CASP application.
The first step in the process is the adoption of a the CASP. The CASP will be adopted by Council and will provide direction on the future land use, transportation network, infrastructure and servicing concepts for a designated plan area.
A CASP is required prior to the redesignation of rural, greenfield and/or urban holding lands for large-scale urban development.
CASPs, guidelines and applications
If an area is already developed, an ARP may be required. This is another type of a higher level policy plan approved by Council to facilitate development in an existing neighbourhood or a specific area.
The second step in the process is the completion of a Neighbourhood Structure Plan (NSP). This is a required statutory land use concept plan that must be prepared by a developer for any undeveloped area within a CASP (usually a quarter section) and must be Council approved.
An NSP guides and directs the specific land use, subdivision and development of the new community. It provides details on the local street networks; the exact location of schools, parks and pathways; the distribution of housing types; architectural themes and the provision of essential services.
Third in the process, the lands will be rezoned which is how the City organizes itself into districts. These districts regulate the types of buildings or land uses that will be allowed on specified parcels and areas within the city.
As part of the rezoning process, all applications are forwarded to a public hearing in order to provide all interested parties the opportunity to address Council.
Learn more about land use and zoning
To provide temporary opportunities for development and business operation in several of our unplanned and unserviced areas, the Airdrie Land Use Bylaw includes several temporary, discretionary non-residential uses.
On March 15, 2021 this bylaw was amended to incorporate lands within the East Points Community Area Structure Plan boundaries.
After the land is zoned, the fourth step in the process is the creation of a subdivision. The owner of a piece of property divides it into smaller parcels, which can then be developed or sold. Within larger ARPs or NSPs, subdivisions are typically created and processed in a number of phases. In Airdrie, most subdivisions are approved administratively.
Final steps in the neighbourhood regulatory process is the construction with the applicaable development and/or building permits prior to work starting.