Spring clean-up is an annual program that removes winter sanding material and other debris accumulated during the winter months from roadways, sidewalks and boulevards. This prevents the material from entering the storm drains and helps keep city waterways, such as Nose Creek, cleaner.
Street sweeping tentatively begins in April (weather permitting) and will wrap up early June. Check out the sweeping map that shows sweeping dates as they are scheduled for each community zone.
At least 48 hours in advance, road signs are placed at entrances into subdivisions scheduled to be swept.
Watch for large orange signs as they will indicate when sweeping will occur in your area.
If inclement weather doesn't allow for sweeping to begin or be completed on the dates posted, signs will be updated to reflect this.
You can also sign up for street sweeping notifications at MyAirdrie.ca.
Use the street sweeping map to find your neighbourhood and tentative start date. Each neighbourhood takes about two days to sweep. The street sweeping map is updated two zones at a time daily.
Street sweeping is more effective when all cars are removed from the street. Vehicles parked on the street during the time when sweeping is scheduled to occur will be tagged and towed in accordance with the Streets bylaw. When signs are up in your community, you can park in alleys between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., but please don't block off emergency access or access to driveways, garages and backyards.
If you will be out of town for an extended period of time during May and June while residential sweeping is underway, please move your vehicle to off-street parking.
Roads does not sweep private parking lots. Residents living in townhouse or condo complexes do not need to move their vehicles if parked on-site. However, vehicles parked on the street must be moved.
Our sweepers don't just clean residential streets! There are several phases in our annual sweeping program.
Phase 1: Sweeping arterial roads, boulevards and medians
Phase 2: Sweeping all collectors and residential streets
Phase 3: Sweeping green streets & paved alleys (after residential roads)
To keep our roads free of debris during the summer and fall months, sweepers may be seen on the arterial and collector roads.