Airdrie is currently under level four outdoor water restrictions. Outdoor watering banned. Learn more
Providing Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is a responsibility of the provincial government. The Province determines the number of EMS resources dedicated to each community and through Alberta Health Services (AHS), coordinates the system in which EMS resources operate.
Before joining AFD, firefighters must hold a valid Primary Care Paramedic (formerly Emergency Medical Technician) registration with Alberta College of Paramedics.
The cost to provide residents in the City of Airdrie with a guaranteed BLS emergency medical response through AFD is approximately $100,000 per year. This includes medical equipment and supplies as well as, training and professional fees for fire members.
That’s approximately $1.25 per resident annually. The City of Airdrie and Council believe that the provision of this service is essential to ensuring lifesaving emergency medical response is available whenever our residents need it.
The following statistics were current as of April 2023.
AFD's average time on scene prior to EMS
AFD can only provide immediately lifesaving interventions, a timely EMS system is needed for all parts to function well together. The longer AFD waits for EMS arrival the less availability there is to do other calls. 20.2 per cent of medical responses overlap other calls as of April 2023.
AFD's longest wait For EMS arrival
AFD medical responses by year (Calls where AFD response was requested by EMS.)
The stats below to not include AFD calls where patient care may have been provided as part of an AFD response (ie. vehicle collision or rescue) or calls where AFD requests EMS assistance (ie. building fires, ice rescue or hazardous materials)
AFD medical call volume is growing quickly but at the same percentage of the total responses for the department. EMS responses are not increasing out of proportion to other event types currently.
2020 to 2022 show an increase of EMS requests for assistance on emergency medical responses which are triggered by delayed EMS response of greater than 10 minutes.
Percentage of time AFD arrived before EMS on a medical response call