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School activity program rentals

Genesis Place offers both instructor led programs and bookable space for teacher led programs for local and regional school activity days. 

Dryland school activity days

Schools can book instructor led programs by the hour, for half a day or for the full day. Instructor led programs include cycle, yoga, dance, fitness and our Youth Strength Training (YST) program; which focuses on forming a foundation for safe use of the fitness centre equipment. 

Schools can also book our fieldhouses, gymnasiums, Mind and Body Room or Dance Studio to host a school-led program of their own.

Pricing varies by school location and district. 

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Pool school activity days

Schools can book fun swim or swimming lesson programs in the Genesis Place pool and aquatics area. Minimum booking time for fun swim is two hours and one and half hours for swimming lessons. School activity bookings primarily occur in the main leisure pool area and are not guaranteed exclusive use of the space, as there may be concurrent classes or activity days happening simultaneously.

Pricing varies by school location and district, as well as the number of children and supervisors/lifeguards required by age.


Kindergarten to grade three swimmers require one adult per every eight swimmers in lifejackets. All eight swimmers are required to be within arm's reach at all times of an adult in proper swim attire who is in the water. This adult must be actively supervising their designated swimmers.

School volunteer to student ratios are required for swimmers grade four and up. These school volunteer supervisors can be in the pool viewing area, chairs on deck or in the water. Adults in the water must be included in the submitted head count to maintain lifeguard ratios.

The hot tub and steam room

The hot tub and steam room are only available for use for small groups of high-school students only - with teacher approval. These areas remain open to the public during a school activity booking, and capacity rules remain in place.


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Ice school activity days

Schools can also book ice surfaces at Genesis Place, or at Ron Ebbesen Twin Arena and Plainsmen Arena. 

Find out more about ice rental rates