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The City’s response to beaver/human conflict along Nose Creek

Oct. 19, 2022 / For immediate release

Over the past two years there have been multiple reports from residents about beavers causing damage on public and private property along Nose Creek and more recently, acting aggressively towards residents and pets.

“Environmental protection is a focus area for Council and we work with administration to ensure harmony between wildlife and humans,” said Mayor Peter Brown. “In this case, the safety of residents and protection of property are our top priorities and we will continue to look at what we can do better to protect wildlife along Nose Creek.”

“Removing beavers is always our last option,” said Eugene Lund, Operations Manager. “We have implemented a variety of preventative measures to protect mature trees, such as wrapping wire mesh around tree trunks. Unfortunately, this wasn’t successful in Waterstone and we made the decision to trap and remove the beaver. To date we have successfully trapped and removed one beaver.”

According to Alberta Fish and Wildlife relocating beavers is not supported because beavers are territorial and compete for food and resources with other animals in the area. This competition often leads to relocated animals suffering unnecessarily. Relocation can also spread disease to other waterways.

Preventative measures such as pond levellers, beaver bafflers and beaver deceivers are used to prevent beavers from damming culverts, which is not the issue the City is experiencing along Nose Creek. The beavers along Nose Creek are destroying mature trees that they use for a food source. In 2022, beavers have caused $9,000 of damage to mature trees, with additional damage done to private property

In addition to the preventative measures that are already in-place, the City of Airdrie will be contracting an environmental expert to conduct an assessment to determine if maintaining an active beaver population in the Waterstone area is sustainable. This should be completed by March/April of 2023.

Learn more about the City’s integrated pest management on

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Media contact:
Eugene Lund
Operations Manager
403.948.8400 ext. 6416