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Council approves 2023 budget

For immediate release/ December 6, 2022

AIRDRIE, AB – At their regular meeting on December 5, 2022, Council approved the 2023 budget with an operating budget of $187,684,690 and a capital budget of $67,798,340 for 2023.

The municipal tax effect on the average residential homeowner with an assessed value of $420,000 is projected to be $118 annually.

"In times when everyone is feeling the pinch of inflation, balancing the City’s budget is especially difficult,” says Mayor Peter Brown. “Council has not made these decisions lightly, but we believe we struck a balance between being fiscally responsible while also supporting the needs of the community now and in the future."

“Airdrie continues to be one of the fastest growing communities in Canada, but it is not immune to the rising costs being experienced around the world,” said City Manager, Horacio Galanti. “Residents and businesses continue to ask for additional services, infrastructure, and amenities in order to maintain a high quality of life in Airdrie. This Council-approved budget takes a step towards the City’s need for reasonable and prudent reserves while providing households and businesses great value for their tax dollar.”

“In an economic climate of high inflation and shrinking grant dollars, Administration has worked hard to balance the cost to provide services residents depend on,” said Shannon Schindeler, Acting Director of Corporate Services and CFO. “This budget focuses on supporting current service levels as well as preparing for future community needs.”

The 2023 budget will raise an additional $4,116,709 in tax revenue. This increased revenue will go towards:

 percentagetax revenue
Municipal Services:    
Protective Services 2.76% $1,904,410
Other Municipal Services 1.56% $1,075,799
Fund draw from operating reserves to balance the 2022 budget 1.45% $1.000,000
Fiscal Sustainability:     
Capital reserve contribution increase 1.00% $690,000
Total   $4,670,209
Draw from General Operating Reserve for 2023 one-time expenses (allocated from 2022 projected surplus) (0.80%) $(553,500)
Total tax revenue increase 5.97% $4,116,709

Year-over-year comparison based on an average residential household annual cost: 2022 2023 Change

Municipal Tax $1,985 $2,103 $118
Utility costs $1,661 $1,839 $178
Net Change     $296


Protective services
The cost of protective services (Police, Fire, Municipal Enforcement and Emergency Management) year over year increase is $1.9 million, which is equivalent to a 2.76 percent tax revenue increase. This increase is mainly related to Fire member training and Police, which includes the collective bargaining agreement that provides a salary increase to RCMP members.

Fiscal sustainability - Capital Reserve
In 2021, Council began designating specific tax funds to address the City’s infrastructure deficit. Included in the 2023 Council-approved budget is a $690,000 increase (equivalent to a one percent tax increase) to keep up with life cycling of City assets. The City is responsible for over $1 Billion of assets that must be maintained.

Budget process
Each year, City administration prepares a three-year operating budget and a ten-year capital budget driven by Council’s strategic priorities and business plan goals. During annual budget deliberations, the Council Budget Committee reviews the first year of each budget in detail and reviews subsequent years for possible new services, facilities, or other pressures on the horizon. The current year of each budget is adopted by Council, with subsequent years accepted for information.

The City uses a variety of methods to educate residents on the budgeting process. Complete budget information is available at or you can watch the 2022 budget consultation

Media contact:
Carla Kautz
Communications Advisor
403.948.8800 ext. 8280