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City Council supports two resolutions to be brought forward at ABMunis


Airdrie, AB – At the regular meeting of Council on May 21, City Council voted to support two resolutions to be brought forward at Alberta Municipalities’ (ABMunis) fall convention attended by all urban Alberta municipalities.

The resolutions call for increased provincial funding for Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) and a review of Alberta’s Animal Protection Act.

“Our advocacy work is most often very locally focused on challenges and opportunities within Airdrie, but sometimes there are topics or issues that many other communities are facing as well,” says Mayor Peter Brown. “This avenue to bring them forward to be supported by hundreds of other communities, elevates them at the provincial level, and we all see the benefit.”

The City of Airdrie is a member of ABMunis, an organization that represents more than 300 urban Alberta municipalities from summer villages to major cities. Each year, ABMunis hosts an annual convention which is attended by thousands of elected officials and senior administrators, representing nearly every urban community in Alberta. Resolutions may be brought forward by any municipal council and seconded by another council. At the convention, the resolutions are voted on by the elected officials in attendance. If the resolution passes, ABMunis will advocate to the Province on behalf of all urban Alberta municipalities for the change.

One of the City’s 2024 resolutions asks for an increase in provincial funding for FCSS proportionate to population growth and annual inflation rates. $5 million allocated in 2023 was the first time in eight years FCSS funding was increased, despite some of the largest population increases in Alberta’s history.

The second resolution calls for a comprehensive review and update of Alberta's Animal Protection Act. This legislation was designed to safeguard the welfare of animals within the province, but it has not been revised since 2006. The outdated legislation and regulations fail to address emerging challenges and protect vulnerable animals.

“We’re looking forward to bringing these resolutions forward this fall. Advancement in both areas would positively impact our community,” continues Mayor Brown.

At the 2023 convention, Airdrie brought forward several resolutions which have already seen progress. One of the City’s resolutions, supported at the convention, requested dedicated provincial funding for growing municipalities. The 2024 provincial budget included $60 million for growing communities, recognizing the pressures growth place on municipalities.

Additionally, a call for a review of the collision reporting damage threshold amount was brought forward and widely supported. In December 2023, the Province announced an increase in the damage estimation amount to $5000. This reduces the amount of police and police administration resources needed to report collisions where only property damage has occurred.


Media contact:
Leona Esau
Intergovernmental Liaison
403.948.8800 ext: 8769