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Supporting the Safety of Your First Responders

AIRDRIE, ALBERTA – On Saturday, March 12, 2022 at approximately 1:30 p.m., a motor vehicle collision occurred between a private vehicle and a fire engine which was responding to an emergency incident.

The collision occurred in the intersection of Yankee valley Boulevard and 8 Street SW. Thankfully there were no injuries reported due to this incident.

The public is reminded that as our city grows, and roadways become busier, the ability for emergency vehicles (fire, police, bylaw, AHS) to respond to emergency incidents has become more challenging.

The following safety information is provided to assist your first responders in providing safe and timely public assistance:

When an emergency vehicle is approaching from any direction with emergency lights and sirens activated, motorists must:

  • Yield the right-of-way
  • Safely move their vehicle to allow the emergency vehicle passage
  • Drive as closely as possible to the right curb or edge of a two-way roadway
  • Move right or left to the nearest curb
  • Stop and remain stopped until the emergency vehicle(s) have passed, and it is confirmed that no other emergency vehicles are approaching
  • When the emergency vehicle(s) have passed, please be courteous and let drivers ahead of you return back into traffic. Use your turn signal
  • Do not drive within 150 meters of a responding emergency vehicle (nearly 1.5 times the length of a football field)

When passing emergency vehicles, including tow trucks, motorists must:

  • Reduce speed to 60 km/h or the posted speed, whichever is lower
  • This law applies to the lane(s) immediately next to the stopped vehicles
  • If you are not in the lane next to the stopped vehicles reduce speed and leave lots of space between yourself and emergency personnel/ equipment on scene
  • Remain aware and attentive while passing through any emergency scene

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Media contact:
Deputy Chief Garth Rabel
403.948.8800 ext. 7612